24/08/2002 – Daily News
Before the Bangkok talks: some thoughts
(by Jayadeva Uyangoda)
...Issues…dominated the agenda of the debate on the peace process for months...However, the Oslo meeting between Minister Moragoda and Dr. Balasingham became instrumental in bringing about a quick and positive shift in the overall political atmosphere in Colombo…
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25/08/2002 – The Island
No incidents before start of peace talks, Prabhakaran warns cadres
(by Our Defence Correspondent)
..."Prabhakaran is acutely aware of the Symbolic importance of the start of long-term peace talks, although in reality, the two sides have been discussing and negotiating many matters since the ceasefire began in March…Dr. Balasingham held talks in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, this week, with Minister Milinda Moragoda and Norwegian Deputy Foreign Minister Vidar Helgesen...
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27/08/2002 - The Hindu
Sri Lankan peace negotiator in Delhi
(by Amit Baruah)
...Mr. Moragoda, who has had two meetings with the LTTE point man for the talks, Anton Balasingham, will hold talks with the External Affairs Minister, Yashwantt Sinha, and the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, K.C. Pant, among others...little doubt that New Delhi has high strategic stakes in the dialogue process...
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28/08/2002 - The Hindu
Sri Lanka for JWG on economic ties
(by our Special Correspondent)
...principal negotiator for peace talks…Milinda Moragoda, during his meeting…proposed land bridge between India and Sri Lanka…modalities of the export of Indian wheat to the island…India has extended a $ 31- million line of credit...
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28/08/2002 - Hindu
CBMs will be on talks agenda, says Moragoda
NEW DELHI Aug. 27. The Sri Lankan Minister for Economic Reforms, Milinda Moragoda, has said confidence-building measures and developmental issues will be on the agenda for talks with the LTTE next month in Thailand...
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29/08/2002 - Times of India
LTTE ban review
Dismissing speculation of a possible review of the ban on the LTTE, India on Wednesday reiterated the continuing validity of its demand for the extradition of Prabhakaran. The issue came up in the context of the visit of Sri Lankan Minister Milinda Moragoda and the possibility of the Sri Lankan government’s decision to lift its ban on the LTTE.....
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29/08/2002 - The Statesman
India’s help sought on LTTE de-proscription
(by Nilova Roy Chaudhury in New Delhi)
...the Sri Lankan government hopes India would cooperate with it in efforts to restore peace and normalcy in the insurgency-ravaged island. The principal negotiator for the peace process, Mr. Milinda Moragoda, is in the Capital to appraise the Indian government of the current status of ties with the LTTE and to urge New Delhi not to take up the issue of deportation of LTTE and...
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30/08/2002 - The Island
The Talks: Are we Read?
(by a Special Correspondent)
...congratulations to Minister Moragoda and his able lieutenant Ambassador Goonetilleke…for the tremendous work…to get us to the conference table. At the time Moragoda went into that minefield no other minister wanted to touch…Trust is absolutely vital for any negotiation to succeed…Moragoda and Balasingham seem to be on the same wavelength. ‘other side’ has already expressed confidence in Minister Moragoda, though they have reservations on account of his international connections.....
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31/08/02 - 13/09/02 Frontline (Vol.19, Issue18)
Talking to the Tigers, finally
(by V.S. Sambandan)
Breaking months of uncertainty, the Sri Lankan government and the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) announced on August 14 that they would start direct talks.This outcome of the second direct meeting between Sri Lankan Minister for Economic Reforms Milinda Moragoda and the LTTE's chief negotiator, Anton Balasingham, in Oslo is not complete unless viewed against the backdrop of the cessation of hostilities that is already in place and, in the larger context, Sri Lanka's domestic politics...
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02/09/2002 - Daily News
All communities will be treated equally at peace talks – Minister Moragoda
(by Addalaichenai special correspondent, P.T. Iqbal)
All communities will be treated as equal at the negotiation table scheduled to be held in Thailand between the government and the LTTE and the talks will be held considering all communities’ aspirations which is the main purpose of the government…said minister ...Milinda Moragoda…
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