In Print - Kadapatha (The Looking Glass)

Kadapatha (The Looking Glass), is a collection of articles from the Sunday Lankadeepa weekly column of the same title written by Milinda Moragoda. The book has been edited by veteran Editor Edmond Ranasinghe.

The book brings together a selection of fifty-five articles, which were published between September 2007 - February 2009. The Kadapatha column - launched a few months before the 60th Anniversary of Sri Lanka’s Independence - critically evaluates the progress and setbacks we have made since then. Each week Milinda explores pertinent issues such as political reforms, governance, ethnic and cultural relations, economic reforms, women’s affairs, education policy, international affairs, etc.

The column ultimately argues for following a ‘middle-path’ approach away from extremism, to meet our society’s challenges. A television programme created and hosted by Milinda entitled Nidhahasa (Freedom), was aired in early 2008 and initially run in tandem with the column. Milinda's ongoing weekly radio program, Sanvada (Dialogue) continues an examination of these issues. Podcasts of this show can be listened to on the website.

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