The Sangha Advisory Council of the Urumayaka Ulpatha Foundation recently convened at Riverpoint, Peliyagoda, under the leader ship of Most Ven. Dr. Niyangoda Vijithasiri: Sahithya Chakravarthi, Anunayaka of Malwatta Chapter, Most Ven. Wedaruwe Upali; The Anunayaka of the Asgiri Chapter, Most Ven. Gantune Assaji: The Mahanayake of the Sri Lanka Amarapura Chlagandhi Nikaya, Most Ven Prof. Kotapitiye Rahula: Anunayake of Kalyani Sri Samagri Dhamma Maha Sangha Sabhawa, Most Ven. Professor Kumburugamuwe Vajira, Chancellor University of Sabaragamuwa Sbaragamuwa Province, Most Ven. Prof. Kongasthenne Ananda, Chief Sanga Nayake of the Ramanna Maha Nikaya and Most Ven. Thanjanthenne Dammarasi: Additional Director of the Education, Ministry theros.
The Founder of the Urumayaka Ulpatha Foundation, Milinda Moragoda, and General Secretary R.A.D. Sirisena, as well as other senior officials, also participated in this event.
Milinda Moragoda, during his tenures in public office as well as in other capacities, has always had a Sangha Advisory Council comprised of eminent clergy members to provide necessary advice and guidance. During the most recent meeting. discussions took place on a wide range of issues related to society, culture, the economy, technolog ical developments, and international events.