06/11/2023 – Ceylon Today
Moragoda presents a copy of Ashoka Vadana to ICP MP Tharoor

Moragoda presents a copy of Ashoka Vadana to ICP MP Tharoor


Milinda Moragoda presented a copy of Ashoka Vadana to Indian Congress Party (ICP) Parliamentarian and author Shashi Tharoor in Colombo recently.

The book contains selected articles from his newspaper column of the same name that ran in the Sunday Lankadeepa during Moragoda's tenure as High Commissioner to India. The purpose of the column was to present the experience of India in the realms of economics, science, society and politics placed within the context of Sri Lanka. A Tamil translation of this column was also carried concurrently in the Sunday Thinakaran during this period. The Tamil version of this selection of articles will be published shortly. The first copies of the book were presented earlier to the Mahanayake Theras.

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