Books play an important role in disseminating knowledge, developing critical thinking and inspiring minds. Without new thinking, it will be difficult to find solutions to the many crises that have afflicted Sri Lanka for so long. Without a proper understanding of the complexity of issues, it is easy for the average person to be taken in by the false promises and band-aid approach to policy making that prevail in Sri Lanka.

Furthermore, there is a serious dearth of literature available to Sri Lankan readers, especially in Sinhala, a language restricted to a relatively small population, unlike English and Tamil which have a readership which extends to larger populations beyond the shores of Sri Lanka. Due to a lack of economies of scale, local publishing is expensive. In addition, there is a scarcity of skilled translators. Thus, a large number of Sri Lankans have limited access to a broad range of information on local issues as well as to the wealth of information and scholarship that exists in the world.

To help remedy this situation, and in keeping with his mission to stimulate civic participation and debate, Milinda has endeavoured to disseminate literature regarding local issues and has assisted in efforts to publish and/or translate books which will help provide the Sri Lankan public with a wider range of reading materials reflecting fresh perspectives on public issues.


Books published to date:

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In English:

A Warm Heart, Cool Head and a Deep Breath - Speeches (2000-2003),
by Milinda Moragoda, 2003.

The Mahoshada Perspective: Commentaries on Economics and Development,
2005 (a collection of the best of Mahoshada, the popular weekly newspaper
column in The Island which discusses current issues of economic development,
by “Mahoshada”, (Preface by Manik De Silva, Synopses of each essay in 
English & Sinhala by former Governour of the Central Bank,
A.S. Jayawardena).

In Sinhala:

Kadapatha(a collection of the weekly column in Sunday Lankadeepa written
by Milinda Moragoda), 2009.

Economy of Sri Lanka: Free Economy and Development
(Published by Pathfinder Foundation), 2008

Temple Telephone Directory – Western Province:
1st Edition – 2002, 2nd Edition – 2006, 3rd Edition – 2008.

The Mystery of Capital, by Hernando de Soto (translated from English 
by Pathfinder Foundation), 2007.

The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible: A Free Market Odyssey” by Ken Scooland
(translated into Sinhala), Pathfinder Foundation, 2006

Sathiye Situwila, (a collection of the weekly column of the same name
by Milinda Moragoda 2002-2004), 2005.

Road to a Free Economy: Shifting from a Socialist System the Example of
Hungary,by Janos Kornai (translated from English), Oct 2004.

A Warm Heart, Cool Head and a Deep Breath, Speeches (2000-2003),
by Milinda Moragoda (translated from English), 2003.

The Mahoshada Perspective: Commentaries on Economics and Development,
by “Mahoshada” (A synopsis of each essay is written in Sinhala,
by A.S. Jayawardena, former Governor of the Central Bank,
essays in English), 2005.

Peravadanak, Oct 2001.

In Tamil:

Most Admired World Leaders, (A collection of the weekly newspaper column
by Milinda Moragoda, first appearing in the Sunday Lankadeepa,  
translated into Tamil by T. Senthilvelavar')  2009.

The Mystery of Capital, by Hernando de Soto
(translated from English by Pathfinder Foundation), 2006.

“A Warm Heart, Cool Head and a Deep Breath, Speeches (2000-2003),
by Milinda Moragoda (translated from English), 2003.


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