From the beginning of his political career, Milinda has endeavoured to bring progressive reforms within the United National Party. He has also been a strong advocate of a search for a bipartisan approach to Sri Lanka’s ethnic and other national issues. He has always believed that national issues should be placed above party politics. His record clearly demonstrates that he has consistently and actively engaged in trying to bring about a bipartisan approach on many occasions. He tried to bring about a reconciliation between the UNP and President Kumaratunge during their government cohabitation in 2002-2004, and urged national unity and reconciliation when the Tsunami of December 2004 struck. His attempts to persuade others to work towards these goals did not succeed.

His non-confrontational and consensus approach to politics and his efforts to bring about reform and change, have not always received the support of other politicians, who prefer the status quo where parties and society remain divided.

After patiently working on several successive initiatives which sought to strengthen democratic practices within his party, as well as to promote bipartisan initiatives to bring about a consensual approach to issues of national importance, Milinda joined a significant group of 18 senior and long-standing UNP members of parliament, who while remaining members of the UNP, decided to join the administration of President Rajapakse. The group was led by then UNP Deputy Leader, Karu Jayasuriya, This move towards cooperation was also supported by many UNP party members outside of parliament. Milinda took this decision only after all alternative avenues were explored and failed to bear fruit. After much thought and deliberation, and at the risk of being misunderstood or maligned, he felt that at a worsening time of national crisis, it was important to step forward and openly lend assistance to President Rajapakse and together with this significant group of UNP senior members, steer governmental action towards a middle-path, common national agenda.

He could not support the only other option which was to continue in an impasse while the country further deteriorated due to divisions and petty politics. Milinda was sworn in as Cabinet Minister in charge of Tourism by President Mahinda Rajapakse in the first reshuffle he conducted on the 29th January 2007.
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