28/07/2006 - Daily Mirror
We are apolitical, no hanky panky, says de-mining group

With reference to our page four story in yesterday’s paper titled “Milinda Moragoda De-Mining Group under Probe”, MMIPE De- Mining Group Chairman K. Godage has sent the following letter.

“My attention has been drawn to a news item in today’s (27th July 2006) Daily Mirror, mischievously captioned “Milinda Moragoda De-Mining Group under Probe”, implying that some “hanky-panky” has been taking place.

The MMIPE–De-mining group consists of two Indian NGOs, Sarvatra and Horizon, comprising former members of Indian de-mining regiments and a MMIPE group of de-miners of all ethnic, religious and linguistic groups of this country. The reason for having locals was to build a local capacity.

The objective is not only because it is logical that we have locals trained in de-mining but also because when Sri Lanka is declared “Mine Risk Free” and INGOs leave, the mopping up operations could be undertaken entirely by the locals, for Sri Lanka to be declared “Mine Free”.

This is a Humanitarian De-Mining Project. Its principle objective is to resettle people after the removal of mines to enable them to move out of refugee camps and resume their livelihoods. The other objective and the reasons for inviting the Indians to join the MMIPE in these humanitarian de-mining efforts were two fold.

The first being to promote Indo-Sri Lanka relations and co-operation. The second reason was for us, being new to de-mining to benefit from the experience of the Indians. The Indians too, who had only been involved in military de-mining were now afforded the opportunity to learn humanitarian de-mining.

The National Steering Committee for De-mining is one of the most organized institutions with a well-panned programme for Sri Lanka among nations affected with mines. In this connection, I am pleased to state that the MMIPE has been instrumental in providing the necessary assistance with regards to the collation of information for the District Mine Action Plans for the Vavuniya and Mannar Districts for the NSC.

In the past three years MMIPE Group of De-mining organizations have removed 7,340 mines and cleared an extent of 1,352,000 Sqm, and enabled the resettlement and recommencement of economic activity of hundreds of people. I am deeply concerned that we are quite suddenly being targeted and an impression created that something perhaps subversive was taking place.

The name of Milinda Moragoda had become controversial these days because of problems within his political party, the name has acted like a magnet to draw attention to this organization. I wish, however, to emphatically state that the MMIPE de-mining group has no political affiliations. It is an independent, apolitical organization purely concerned with humanitarian de-mining.

The article states “some volunteer organizations involved in de-mining are also engaged in other activities such as conducting workshops on federalism and power devolution”.

In this regard, we wish to categorically state that the MMIPE has neither conducted nor been involved whatsoever in any such workshops. We regret that some unknown, mischievous elements are seeking to draw us into some devious political machinations. We do hope that they would severely leave us alone to get on with our humanitarian work.

As for the Parliamentary Select Committee inquiring into NGOs, I certainly think that it is absolutely necessary for there to be transparency and accountability and a permanent NGO Commission should be appointed under the 17th Amendment.