It was also pointed out to them that the European Parliament and their Council of Ministers had passed resolutions and issued a large number of statements on the conflict in Sri Lanka and that they now had to deliver on them for the chickens had come to roost. It was with great reluctance that they agreed to come in and that too only after the then Minister, Milinda Moragoda met Commissioner Chris Patten. It should also be recalled that they did not send a Commissioner to the Tokyo Donor meeting which was presided over by the Prime Minister of Japan, their Ambassador to Japan attended the meeting representing the EU and made a sterile statement. Such was their interest.
On the strength of the EU's position as a Co-chair, we have seen an unacceptable level of involvement by member states in what is essentially an internal matter. We have no doubt invited some to assist us but every Tom Dick and Harry has started to score Brownie points at our expense; they are exploiting our situation for their own purposes.
They have, perhaps because of the Tamil Diaspora in their countries, taken liberties with us that would have resulted in them being thrown out in countries such as India Till recently there was in Colombo a so-called diplomat from an EU country who made no effort to show that she was a supporter of the LTTE, -she has fortunately, for relations between our two countries, been recalled. We have had heads of EU member states opening LTTE's NGO office though the LTTE is banned in his country - it was also reported that the same country had invited the LTTE on board one of their warships-- I have yet to read the denial.
We had a so-called Diplomat from yet another EU country bypassing the government and taking aid to the LTTE. They visit the LTTE at the drop of a hat -- without even extending to the government the courtesy of informing it, leave alone requesting for permission. We have let ourselves be taken for granted.
Meanwhile we have not had one word of support from the EU its member states or even from Japan for the government's position that the LTTE should enter into talks with the government on the basis of what they agreed to at Oslo namely for a "Federal structure within a united Sri Lanka"; they have never had the guts perhaps to say that the ISGA of the LTTE is out of order. Not a word, not from the EU nor from Japan, which seems to be taking the cue from the EU which in turn seems to be led by Solheim-the darling of the LTTE. The man who demands that the separatist insurgents and the state be treated as equals.