10/03/2004 - Daily Mirror
Women are catalysts in changing our political culture


The Colombo Municipal Council (CMC), organized a special programme on International Women’s Day to felicitate Women Community Leaders in Colombo District on March 7,2004.

Sharmila Gonewala, a member of the CMC speaking at the event, observed that although women were active contributors and decision makers in almost every sphere, they were patently absent from active politics. She added that a greater representation of women in politics could help change the political culture of Sri Lanka to one devoid of violence and aggression.

Here, Chief Guest UNF candidate, Milinda Moragoda who is conducting a ‘clean’ and non violent campaign and former Minister of Public Utilities, Mohamed Mahroof lighting the traditional oil lamp with Sharmila Gonewala. Some of the participants are also in the picture.